Metabolon Inc., a leader in the development and analysis of metabolomics-based biomarkers, has announced the publication of the results of a study that has identified a new, early biomarker for insulin resistance and impaired glucose tolerance. Metabolon’s new technology was tested on plasma samples from 399 non-diabetic people (a group that showed an association between insulin sensitivity and cardiovascular disease) who had a wide spectrum of insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance.
Alpha-hydroxybutyrate is a substance, a biochemical agent, with which it is possible to statistically reliably classify people as insulin resistant or insulin sensitive. Commenting on the results of the study, the author, MD. Ferrannini succinctly stated: “In this objective, biochemical observation, alpha-hydroxybutyrate, an intermediate metabolite in amino acid metabolism, was the most potent biochemical agent that determined human insulin resistance in vivo.”

Insulin resistance is a pathological condition and is recognized as a clinical factor in the development of type 2 diabetes and obesity-related cardiovascular disease, certain cancers, and other metabolic diseases.

Metabolon is currently developing a fasting plasma insulin resistance diagnostic test that can help clinicians more accurately assess patients’ risk of developing certain diseases.

Alpha-hydroxybutyrate and other metabolites have been called metabolic determinants of insulin resistance.